Overview of protocols initiated
Bickford has implemented a phased-in approach to reopening. The vast majority of our Branches are in phase 1. Details are found below.
Self-Screening everyone who enters the Branch
Visitor and BFM access restricted based upon health symptoms
Testing and quarantine of BFM’s
Masks use is optional
Updated education on infection control practice and handwashing completed in each Branch
Enhanced disinfection cleaning protocols
Resident Health Checks, as needed
Monitoring of CDC, County, State and Federal Agencies for required changes to COVID protocols
Open Branch Activities
Visitation in Common Areas is allowed
In-Apartment and Outside visits highly encouraged
Use of hand sanitizer before and after visits
Exercising daily strongly encouraged
Beverage and snacks available throughout the day
Bickford of Bloomington
Isolation of residents to their apartments as indicated
Temperature checks for all residents 2x daily
Increased health checks on all residents 5x daily
Temperature checks for all BFMs 2x daily (1 at start of shift / 1 mid shift)
Gloves and masks being worn by all BFMs when providing direct care
Appropriate PPE worn with all residents with COVID-19 or similar symptoms
Beverage carts to apartments 3x daily
Bickford of Burlington
Isolation of residents to their apartments as indicated
Temperature checks for all residents 2x daily
Increased health checks on all residents 5x daily
Temperature checks for all BFMs 2x daily (1 at start of shift / 1 mid shift)
Gloves and masks being worn by all BFMs when providing direct care
Appropriate PPE worn with all residents with COVID-19 or similar symptoms
Beverage carts to apartments 3x daily
Bickford of Davenport
Isolation of residents to their apartments as indicated
Temperature checks for all residents 2x daily
Increased health checks on all residents 5x daily
Temperature checks for all BFMs 2x daily (1 at start of shift / 1 mid shift)
Gloves and masks being worn by all BFMs when providing direct care
Appropriate PPE worn with all residents with COVID-19 or similar symptoms
Beverage carts to apartments 3x daily
Bickford of Fort Dodge
Isolation of residents to their apartments as indicated
Temperature checks for all residents 2x daily
Increased health checks on all residents 5x daily
Temperature checks for all BFMs 2x daily (1 at start of shift / 1 mid shift)
Gloves and masks being worn by all BFMs when providing direct care
Appropriate PPE worn with all residents with COVID-19 or similar symptoms
Beverage carts to apartments 3x daily
Bickford of Omaha Blondo
Isolation of residents to their apartments as indicated
Temperature checks for all residents 2x daily
Increased health checks on all residents 5x daily
Temperature checks for all BFMs 2x daily (1 at start of shift / 1 mid shift)
Gloves and masks being worn by all BFMs when providing direct care
Appropriate PPE worn with all residents with COVID-19 or similar symptoms
Beverage carts to apartments 3x daily
Bickford of Sioux City
Isolation of residents to their apartments as indicated
Temperature checks for all residents 2x daily
Increased health checks on all residents 5x daily
Temperature checks for all BFMs 2x daily (1 at start of shift / 1 mid shift)
Gloves and masks being worn by all BFMs when providing direct care
Appropriate PPE worn with all residents with COVID-19 or similar symptoms
Beverage carts to apartments 3x daily
Bickford of Aurora
Isolation of residents to their apartments as indicated
Temperature checks for all residents 2x daily
Increased health checks on all residents 5x daily
Temperature checks for all BFMs 2x daily (1 at start of shift / 1 mid shift)
Gloves and masks being worn by all BFMs when providing direct care
Appropriate PPE worn with all residents with COVID-19 or similar symptoms
Beverage carts to apartments 3x daily
More Information
For more information, click on the links below. If you still have questions and concerns, reach out to us at
covid19@bickfordseniorliving.com or connect with your local Branch director.
What is the current visitation policy?
Bickford has implemented a phased-in approach to visitation. This policy is based on CDC, County, State and Federal protocols. Most branches are open to visitation with active mild COVID infections, as these residents are isolated. Check with local Branch leadership prior to your planned visit.Planning a visit to your local Branch?
You will be expected to self- screen upon your arrival at the Branch. Visits are preferred in the resident’s apartment and outside areas. Common area visitation is allowed between the resident and family Co-mingling of visitors with other Residents is strongly discouraged.How can I stay connected to my loved one?
Please plan to visit your loved one, as many restrictions on visitation have been lifted. If you are unable to visit, we encourage regular communication with your loved one utilizing technology (i.e. phone, FaceTime, Skype) and are happy to assist any way we can. The local Branch’s website (www.bickfordseniorliving.com) and Facebook page will be regularly updated with Branch happenings. Be sure to ‘Like’ our local Facebook page.Can my loved one leave their apartment?
Yes. We have educated all our residents to wear a mask, practice social distancing (6 feet), use appropriate hand washing, and have an awareness of touching surfaces. We will continue to encourage as much activity, and social interaction as we can while maintaining a safe environment.Is Bickford conducting tours?
Yes. In most Branches in-person tours are available. These tours will follow all Bickford infection control guidelines for resident and guest safety. Virtual tours can be conducted in all locations.Is Bickford accepting new move ins?
Yes. New residents will go through the same procedures and self-screening that our current residents do to enter the Branch.What if COVID-19 is reported in a Branch?
If there is a case of COVID-19 in one of our Branches, we will notify family and residents first, typically within 24 hours. Residents with COVID are isolated in their apartment until recovered from their infection per CDC, County, State and Federal guidelinesWhat is Bickford doing to help prevent BFMs (employees) from bringing in the virus?
All BFMs and essential health care professionals are being screened each day at the front door prior to entry. Additionally, all BFMs are wearing masks during their entire shift. We also educate our BFMs on CDC guidelines and infection control practices to avoid exposure to COVID-19. We closely monitor for community infection rates and continuously re-educate our BFM’s on safe practices in their community. Any BFM with symptons will be tested and sent home, if positIve for COVID.How is Bickford monitoring residents for signs of COVID-19?
Residents and BFM's are educated to report signs and symptoms of COVID-19. Each resident is monitored for signs, symptoms and temperature.Can medical health care professionals visit residents in the Branch?
Yes, they will be screened prior to entry to Bickford Branches. All professionals must meet our stringent infection control requirements including wearing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), and following Bickfords strict screening protocol and conduct within the branch.Does Bickford have the supplies to support my loved one’s needs during this time?
Yes. Bickford has longstanding relationships with a multitude of vendors to continue to meet the needs of our residents. We have procedures in place to ensure the continued supply and delivery of all essential items including food, medical equipment, incontinence products, etc.Is Bickford using a chemical disinfectant that will kill COVID-19?
Yes. Bickford uses a chemical disinfectant in the Branches that kills all viruses and bacteria. This chemical is 100% effective against COVID-19.Are Chaplains visiting Branches?
Chaplains complete a self-screen at entry to the branch. Chaplains are also available to connect with residents and families virtually or outside the Branch. Please reach out to Branch leadership if you have questions on how to establish this connection.What does active cases of COVID-19 mean?
An active case is a current resident that has tested positive for COVID-19. This resident may or may not be residing in the branch based on their need for hospitalization.
How often is this number updated?
Residents and families are always notified personally first. Once these notifications have been completed this number is updated. Typically, within 24 hours.
Why do Bickford’s COVID-19 transparency numbers differ from what state agencies or other sources are reporting?
Bickford has opted to post, on our website, all confirmed positive resident cases of COVID-19. Some states have chosen to include other information beyond positive cases. They are including residents with symptoms that could be associated with COVID-19 such as a cough or any temperature recorded above 99°. These symptoms may also be associated with common cold, bronchitis, asthma, and seasonal allergies. We understand this creates even more confusion in these uncertain times and that is why Bickford has chosen to lead with transparency and will continue to do so. We will only report positive cases.
Are the Dining Rooms open?
Yes, In rare cases the health department may require in–room dining for a short period of time, while resident testing result are being processed.

Seniors Congratulating Seniors
May 27
When you have lived for 99 years, some would say you know a thing or two. That is why some senior citizens at Bickford Senior Living of Bexley are participating in an effort to offer high school seniors some advice as well as let current high school seniors know their accomplishment of graduating is not going unnoticed.

Student pen pals help senior citizens cope with coronavirus isolation
May 14
Some high school students in the American heartland are turning to the old-fashioned art of letter writing to reach local senior citizens who are not allowed to venture out or have visitors during the coronavirus pandemic.

‘We Have to Get Ahead of This’: Amid Bad Press, Senior Living Providers Must Be Transparent
April 29
When a local news publication ran a story highlighting Covid-19 infections and deaths at a Bickford community in Aurora, Illinois, the company didn’t shy away from talking to the press. Instead, Bickford Executive Vice President Alan Fairbanks used the opportunity to provide clarity on the state’s reported numbers and share more about what Bickford is doing to keep residents safe.

Digging Deeper: Families critical of nursing home, health depts. for handling of COVID-19 info
April 23
In the last week, long-term care facilities have been required to inform family members of COVID-19 cases immediately, but they aren't required to make that information public. And according to Andy Eby, co-owner of Bickford Senior Living, that's not good enough.

Iowa Withholding Names of Nursing Homes with COVID-19 Cases
April 21
As of April 21, nursing home residents accounted for 51% of Iowa's 84 deaths from COVID-19. But Iowa health officials refused to identify all facilities with a confirmed case. Bickford Senior Living decided to take a different approach.

One Iowa Senior Living Facility Owner’s Answer to Coronavirus: Transparency
April 10
Bickford Senior Living is doing something that Iowa's health department won’t: Publish notice of every single COVID-19 case at its locations.

To Battle Isolation, Elders and Children Connect as Pen Pals
April 10
To battle isolation and boredom, Bickford of Sioux City connected residents with high schoolers as pen pals.

Cheers to Grandma
April 10
What is a group of seniors to do in their quarantined living space when they run out of happy hour wine? Norma Bock at Bickford of Burlington had just the answer - reach out to the public on social media!
BFM (employee) FAQ
How can I protect myself and my family?
Follow Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Guidelines, state and local mandates, wash your hands for 20 seconds, avoid contact with those that are known to have, or suspected of having COVID-19. As a best practice, Bickford strongly encourages you to receive the COVID-19 vaccination series and all available COVID booster vaccines.Why are we self-screening everyone that enters Bickford?
This is the best way we can protect our BFMs and Residents. Our goal is to limit our resident’s and BFM's exposure to the COVID-19 virus.What happens if I fail the screening or exhibit symptoms during my shift?
Bickford will test you for COVID-19. If positive, you will quarantine at home. If your symptoms have resolved you may be able to return early.When should I stay home and not report to work?
If you have symptoms of COVID-19, a diagnosis of COVID-19 or are living with someone who has or is currently waiting on test results for COVID-19.Why are we performing Resident Health Checks?
To monitor Residents and identify potential COVID-19 symptoms. This allows us to take appropriate measures to protect our BFMs and other residents.How will our residents’ contract COVID-19?
Residents are most likely to become infected from a source outside of Bickford. It is likely that those going about their daily lives will be in contact with the virus and inadvertently bring it to the Branch. Be mindful of your role and your potential to carry the virus.My fellow BFM is coughing and sneezing, and I am not comfortable sharing the same workspace. What are my options?
BFMs should report these types of concerns to Branch leadership. Everyone is self-screened prior to entry. Symptoms will be noted and those that do not pass the screening will be sent home.What should I do if I am at home and experience flu like symptoms?
You should notify your Director and you are encouraged to seek immediate medical attention by calling your healthcare provider.Infected with COVID-19 and the death statistics in those over 65 years old are astounding. The vaccine has been a game changer in knocking out COVID-19 in our Branches. We strongly encourage you and your family members take the vaccine and any booster vaccinations. We have prepared the following FAQ to help answer the many questions you may have.
Why was it important for our Residents at Bickford take the vaccine?
Our Residents are vulnerable and are more susceptible to infection and negative health outcomes. The vaccine will protect them, our BFM’s, other Residents, their families, and friends from infection.
What if a Resident (or their POA) refuses the vaccine?
The resident or POA has the right to refuse. However, Bickford strongly recommends Residents take the vaccine to protect themselves, BFM’s, other Residents, and those they love. Bickford will continue to self-screen for symptoms, administer tests, and quarantine as needed.
How is the COVID-19 vaccine different from the annual flu vaccine?
This vaccine is made from genetic RNA material, that is produced synthetically, there is no virus in the vaccine. Traditional flu vaccines are made from virus that has been rendered harmless. The flu vaccine is traditionally 40-50% effective whereas the COVID-19 is more than 94% effective. We have seen lower protection against variants, especially Omicron, but continue to see Residents are recovering well.
Are these new vaccines safe?
Yes, RNA vaccines have been used for about a decade. Many manufactures have been working on other types of coronavirus vaccines so were able to mobilize a vaccine for COVID-19. The FDA has fully approved the COVID-19 vaccination.
What are the side effects?
Only 2-3% of those vaccinated, experienced side effects, such as mild headache, body and joint aches and tiredness. The side effects are similar or slightly more pronounced with the second dose. Most side effects start anywhere from 12-24 hours after the dose and usually last for no more than a day or so. Seniors generally have less side effects because their immune response and defense mechanisms are weaker. There are other very rare side effects.
Will we need to report any side effects from the vaccine?
Yes, we are required to report side effects.
I have had COVID so is there any reason to take the vaccine?
Yes, because it will still protect you from severe infection and poor health outcomes including death.Is it too late to take my vaccine or booster shot?
No, CDC data show the vaccine protects you against having severe infections and poor health outcomes including death.
Are seniors more at risk if they do not get the vaccine?
Yes, death from COVID is the highest in those over the age of 65.
What happens if I don’t take the covid vaccine series (two doses)?
If you become infected you are at risk of having severe infections and poor health outcomes and even death.
Will I get COVID-19 from the vaccine or give someone COVID-19 from the vaccine?
No, the COVID-19 vaccine is not a live coronavirus.
Can I change my mind if I want the vaccine?
Yes, vaccine is widely available at most retail pharmacies.
How was the vaccine produced so quickly?
A worldwide Pandemic allowed for many countries to release emergency funds as well as donated funds from other industries to accelerate the speed of development of the vaccine. We also saw an unprecedented collaboration of top scientists from around the world, (i.e., CDC, World Health Organization, National Institutes of Health) working closely with each other and the pharmaceutical industry.
For more information from the CDC:
COVID-19 Transparency Response Timeline
This timeline details our key milestones in how we have responded to the COVID-19 crisis.
We’ve worked tirelessly in order to meet our residents’ needs while keeping everyone involved safe. Certainly, this has been a challenging time for all of us. What we hope comes across in this update is our real transparency and authenticity, even during this vortex of events. We have made mistakes but we are continually learning and evolving our approach. The only thing we can say with certainty is that we never stopped doing what was right for our residents and BFMs. Whatever it takes.

December 30

First COVID-19 vaccination clinic held in Columbus, OH
December 22

Bickford conducts Town Hall calls to answer BFM (employee) vaccine questions
December 16

Branch Support releases video encouraging BFMs (employees) to take the COVID vaccine
November 24

Bickford receives notification of acceptance into the vaccination program

November 3
2020 Presidential Election
October 27

Bickford signs up to participate in Walgreen’s COVID-19 vaccination program
October 15

Bickford conducts Flu Clinics in all Branches
September 16

Bickford proactively reaches out to Health Departments to initiate vaccination process for Senior Living

September 10
The 2020 NFL season kicks off with pandemic protocols and reduced fan attendance
September 1

COVID Core Checks rolled out to all Branches
August 30

250k+ screenings completed in Bets-e (Electronic Tracking System)
August 17

Bickford’s application for COVID-19 PA Hazard Pay Grant approved. $49k+ to be distributed to front line workers
August 14

Bickford added screening question related to visits to "Hot-Spots"

July 23
Johns Hopkins reports COVID cases top 4 million in US. COVID cases surge particularly in Arizona, California, Florida, Georgia, Texas. School reopening plans are a focus of family conversations
July 13

Bickford implemented Phase 2 of the Branch Re-Opening Plan. This primarily involves allowing residents’ families to visit them in their apartments. Details of plan are adjusted according to city/state guidelines

June 30
Johns Hopkins reports COVID cases top 48,000 per day in US
June 15

As of this day, Bickford has experienced 82 COVID resident cases across 3310 total units.
Bickford implemented the initial phase of the Branch Re-opening Plan. This primarily involves allowing front porch visits of families and social-distanced communal dining. Details of plan are adjusted according to city/state guidelines
June 12

Nearly all quarantined BFMs from initial COVID testing are able to return to work
June 9

- Deployed BETS-e (Bickford’s Electronic Tracking System) app to manage visitor and BFM information
- Initial BFM COVID testing complete. Results showed 6% tested positive for COVID. Nearly all of these individuals were asymptomatic and were appropriately quarantined per CDC guidelines

June 8
Ohio began lifting restrictions and allowed front porch visits for families to visit their loved ones
June 1

- COVID-19 Task Force began developing a plan to address the negative effects of quarantine, isolation and COVID-19 protocols. The plan will incorporate a holistic approach (i.e. mental, social) to resident care in addition to the physical risks of the virus. The plan will also outline a phased re-opening of dining, activities and welcoming outside visitors into the Branch.
- Branch Support re-opened with entry screenings and social distancing protocols
May 28

Began COVID-19 testing for all BFMs
May 27

First release of Bickford COVID-19 Transparency Response Timeline
May 15

Bickford procured 3,500 COVID-19 test kits for BFM testing

May 14

Bickford on CBS News*
Some high school students in the American heartland are turning to the old-fashioned art of letter writing to reach local senior citizens who are not allowed to venture out or have visitors during the coronavirus pandemic.

May 6
April unemployment rate likely to hit 15% or higher, by far the highest since the Great Depression; two months earlier, the rate was 3.5%, a 50-year low (NYT)

May 5
Major supermarket chains limited meat purchases in response to shortages stemming from virus outbreaks

May 2
More than a dozen U.S. states began to loosen restrictions imposed to limit the spread of COVID-19

April 30
CDC updated guidance on return-to-work criteria for healthcare personnel diagnosed with COVID-19 from 7 to 10 days
April 27 - 29

- Screening tool updated to reflect CDC expansion of COVID-19 symptoms
- PPE availability tightened due to states reopening nonessential businesses

April 25
New York Times reported testing remained scarce as governors weighed reopening states
April 22

Bickford of Iowa City is the first Branch to come off quarantine

April 21

Bickford on KCRG-TV9 News*
As of April 21, nursing home residents accounted for 51% of Iowa's 84 deaths from COVID-19. But Iowa health officials refused to identify all facilities with a confirmed case. Bickford Senior Living decided to take a different approach

April 15
CDC issued guidance specific to Assisted Living Facilities
April 14

Bickford’s therapy partner, Fox Rehabilitation, designed specific exercise program in response to COVID-19 challenges

April 10

Bickford in The Hawkeye*
What is a group of seniors to do in their quarantined living space when they run out of happy hour wine? Norma Bock at Bickford of Burlington had just the answer - reach out to the public on social media!

Bickford in The New York Times*
To battle isolation and boredom, Bickford of Sioux City connected residents with high schoolers as pen pals

Bickford in The Des Moines Register*
Bickford Senior Living is doing something that Iowa's health department won’t: Publish notice of every single COVID-19 case at its locations

April 6
The Masters moved to November 2020
April 6

The scores are in! Monthly resident happiness scores surged to an all-time high
April 3 - 7

- Corporate distribution center shipped enhanced PPE par levels to Branches
- Hydration/nutrition carts implemented (2x daily)
- All BFMs required to wear masks at all times
- 5-day quarantine for all move-ins
April 1

Bickford launched COVID-19 Transparency, becoming the first senior living operator to post confirmed, active COVID-19 cases online
March 30

Updated screening tool to include a mid-shift BFM temperature check (2x daily)

March 27
Disney closed theme parks
March 26

Major redesign of COVID-19 webpage for enhanced communication. Added protocols initiated and a dedicated BFM FAQ

March 24
2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics postponed to 2021
March 23 - 24

- First company-wide COVID-19 video conference
- Corporate office closure (work from home), emergency taskforce remained onsite
- Infection Control Nurse utilized for BFM COVID-19 communication
- Compiled existing guidance and protocols into a comprehensive COVID-19 guide
- Implemented company-wide room service dining
- Incorporated social distancing by limiting Branch activities to 10 residents or less
- 14-day isolation of residents moving from a COVID-19 environment

March 20
CMS issued guidance titled “Preventing the Spread of COVID-19 in Retirement Communities and Independent Living Facilities (Interim Guidance)”
March 20

- Implemented strategy for Marketplace Chaplains to virtually connect with residents/families/BFMs
- Implemented infection control protocols for mail/package delivery
- Provided all BFMs emergency essential health care worker ID cards
March 19

Andy Eby (owner of Bickford) filmed video message encouraging displaced workers to apply
March 18

- Updated screening tool to include inquiry of COVID-19 exposure in other communities worked/visited
- Implemented Quick Hire Guide to streamline new-hire process
- Increased use of local social media to improve general communication with families

March 17
NCAA cancelled 2020 Tournaments
March 17

- Began daily video conferences between COVID-19 Task Force and divisional leadership to enhance organizational communication and agility
- Restricted Branch access to BFMs and essential health care professionals (no visitors allowed)
- External health care professionals required to wear appropriate PPE while in Branch and be compliant with Bickford’s enhanced COVID-19 protocols
- Sourced cloth masks (4-ply) as a temporary solution during critical PPE shortage
March 16

First Bickford resident diagnosed with COVID-19

March 15
CMS released guidance recommending in-person events with more than 50 people be postponed for the next 8 weeks
March 15

BFMs received video message from Andy Eby (owner of Bickford) addressing the importance of our COVID-19 response
March 14

Resident families received video message from Andy Eby (owner of Bickford) addressing our COVID-19 response. Video also posted on website

March 12
MLB cancelled 2020 Spring Training and delays start of season indefinitely

March 13
President Trump declared National Emergency
CMS updated nursing home guidance focusing on restrictions for visitors and wearing PPE
States and cities started closing schools
March 10 - 13

COVID-19 Emergency Response Guidelines enhanced to reduce resident exposure to virus
- Implemented visitor and BFM (employee) screening tool (including temperature checks)
- Implemented daily resident health checks (including temperature checks)
- Eliminated Branch large group gatherings and community outings
- Restricted visitor access/hours to immediate family and health care professionals
- Strongly discouraged families from taking residents out of Branch
- Eliminated corporate travel
- Introduced 14-day quarantine for BFMs returning to work due to risks associated with travel
March 9

Published COVID-19 FAQ on website

March 6
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) issued initial guidance on long-term care facilities
March 6

Issued first COVID-19 Emergency Response Guidelines
- Heightened infection control training and communication
- Implemented organization-wide PPE inventory management
- Branches procured additional, necessary PPE
- Implemented Branch communication plan with families
- Branches directed to proactively contact county health departments to seek guidance
March 2 - 4

First COVID-19 Task Force meetings held at Branch Support in Olathe, KS

Restricted Geographical Locations
Bickford has identified the following states as hot spots and will restrict visitor access to Branches if you have visited or reside in these hot spot locations within the last 14 days. Due to the nature of COVID-19, hot spot locations are subject to change and updated at a minimum weekly.